Black Friday promotion and raffle

Winners Black Friday promotion. 

Please, everyone, check you phone messages. 

All physical prizes have been sent and should be with you already. For the rest, you have the details in your messages, on the numbers provided in the system.

Well done and thank you for this wonderful year!

Order number





  • £50 off voucher for physical course 



  • 5% voucher site
  • Access to online mincourses
  • Book Fata de dupa stalp



  • 5% voucher site
  • Book The Secrets of a Successful Nail Trainer


A. Dobrovolscaia

  • 5% voucher site
  • Access to online mincourses



  • 5% voucher site
  • 10% voucher site
  • Access to online mincourses



  • 10% voucher site


M. Hutanu

  • £50 off voucher for physical course
  • Access to online mincourses
  • 10% voucher site


V. Calancea

  • £50 off voucher for physical course
  • Access to online mincourses
  • 5% voucher site


N. E. Olmo

  • £50 off voucher for physical course
  • Access to online mincourses
  • 5% voucher site
  • 10% voucher site
  • DIOR set


I. Voicu 

  • 10% voucher site


L. Chelaru 

  • Access to online mincourses
  • 5% voucher site
  • 10% voucher site


C. Burlacu

  • Book The Secrets of a Successful Nail Trainer


E. Antonoaea

  • Access to online mincourses


G. Arboreanu

  • 10% voucher site
  • Access to online mincourses
  • DIOR ceramic star



  • 5% voucher site



  • 10% voucher site



  • £50 off voucher for physical course
  • Access to online mincourses
  • 5% voucher site
  • 10% voucher site
  • Advent Calendar


M. Calafeteanu 

  • Access to online mincourses
  • 5% voucher site
  • 10% voucher site


At Black Friday offers will be visible on the website starting with 00.00 on 29th of November 2024 until 1st of December 2024, 23.59 UK time zone.

All the orders placed outside the dates and time mentioned are not included in the promotion or in the raffle draw.

All the products are subject to availability and have limited stock. We do not respond for the shipping and delivery delays, as this is a very busy time of the year and delays may occur as per the high volume of parcels. Please come back to us if you didn’t received your parcel in 5-6 days since you have received an email with the status SHIPPED (check the spam folder also). If you did not received a confirmation email after you have placed the order (check spam folder also), that means your order didn’t reached to us, we can not see it so we can not send it to you.

Our multibrand website is independent of the mother-brand websites, meaning that the promotions may not match. 

Products can not be reserved and we do not take responsibility in case they ran out of stock. Stock error and price error may occur because of the website’s platform.

In case of a major price error (products with price 0 or a discount applied wrongly), we reserve the right to remove the products/or cancel the order and refund you the amount paid towards us for the specified products. You will be contacted by email/SMS if this will be the case.

During the promotion, you can not apply discount codes on prices that are already reduced.

To speed up the process of shipping, please make sure all your details are correctly and clearly into your profile on our website (full name, full address, email and phone number, in case we need to contact you regarding your order).


Participants will be all the customers that will place an order of minimum £79 presented in the conditions above, on the website starting with 00.00 on 29th of November 2024 until 1st of December 2024, 23.59 UK time zone.

The Black Friday raffle will be drawn on our Instagram page @thenailmastershop on 9th of December 2024, 8pm Uk time and the winners will be announced in a live video on @thenailmastershop, and by email/SMS provided on their profiles. When drawing the winner, we will be using publicly your order reference number and your first name only, as per GDPR. 

The prizes won at the raffle can not be exchanged and/or modified. All the prizes offered are independent of the mother-brands and are offered exclusively by without sponsorship from brands or individuals. 

To enter the raffles you must place an order of minimum £79 without shipping costs. The status of the order on the tracking must show DELIVERED in order to be able to receive the prize. No refunds will be accepted after the draw has been made and the prizes have been sent.

If you place one or multiple orders that are less than £79 (without shipping cost), this will NOT give you an entrance to the raffle. If your order is minimum or higher than £79, you will receive entrances accordingly. Any order MULTIPLE of £79 will receive additional tickets to the draw! ORDERS CAN NOT BE CUMULATED to give the total of the amount required for an entry. 

Shipping costs are calculated at checkout. By an order of £79 we mean £79 total PRICE of the PRODUCTS with the price REDUCED already (not the price shown before the promotion is applied). 

Courses are included into the raffles, if the deposit is paid by bank transfer to reserve the space at the training. Or if they are paid in full (the higher the amount, more entries to the raffle). If only the deposit is paid, you will receive entries only for the amount paid, not for the full price of the course.

Online courses are not included in this offer. Please contact us at for any inquires. 

For example:

You place an order of £79 + the shipping cost added on top of this amount, you get one entrance to the raffle

You place an order of £78.99 (or less) + the shipping cost added on top of this amount, you DO NOT get any entrance to the raffle. Any order less than £79 (without shipping cost) will not participate to the raffle.

You place an order of £39.5 + the shipping cost added on top of this amount, you DO NOT get any entrance to the raffle. If you place two or more orders that together cumulate and have the sum of £79 without shipping cost, you will NOT participate to the raffle. ORDERS CAN NOT BE CUMULATED to give the total of the amount required for an entry.

You place an order of £99 + the shipping cost added on top of this amount, you get one entrance to the raffle

You place an order of £158 + the shipping cost added on top of this amount (if it is the case), you get TWO entrances to the raffle draw. Any order MULTIPLE of £79 will receive additional tickets to the draw!


The prizes of this raffle are offered exclusively by without sponsorship of any brands or individuals. Prizes may differ in colour/ packaging than what is presented.

For this raffle, the prizes are:

  • DIOR gift set original (jewelry box + mini Miss Dior perfume) as presented on our page @thenailmastershop
  • DIOR ceramic star hanging ornament as presented on our page @thenailmastershop
  • Advent Calendar with multibrand products from our website 
  • 2 Books The Secrets of a Successful nail trainer by Alexandra Lepadatu (book in English language).
  • Book Fata de dupa stalp by Ioana Predoiu (book in Romanian language)
  • 10 spaces for the online Minicourse
  • 10 vouchers for 10% off for the website 
  • 10 vouchers of 5% off for the website
  • 5 vouchers of £50 for physical course with Alexandra Lepadatu @ale.naileducator

Prizes can not be exchanged for money or for another product/ modified. The winner can reserve the right to refuse the prize, in this case another winner will be drawn. All the prizes will be shipped only after the delivery details are confirmed. Shipping will be supported by the sender.

This promotion and raffle is valid only for UK, Northern Ireland and Scotland residents.
We do not ship parcels or prizes abroad

If a winner gets the same price twice or more at the draw (for example two access to the online course or two books the same), we will redraw another winner.

Winners will be chosen by a random program for raffles drawing online. 

We wish you best of luck!

The Nail Master Shop team